Momento I found to be one of the most confusing and interesting movies that I have seen. Most movies start from the beginning and then go on from that. This movie on the other hand starts with the ending which is very odd and then goes in reverse and shows the things that lead up to it. Most of the time I found myself spending more time trying to comprehend everything that was going on and not so much really paying attention to the movie itself. So much of us are use to watching movies with the ending at the end that we are thrown off course by a movie like this. The last scene of the movie I am still not able to figure out who was really telling the truth whether it was Teddy or Leonard. I do have to give credit to the director for trying something different in a movie and presenting it in a different style then most of us are use to though.
true that but you have to admit the movie was pretty good and i thought the way the film started out was a little confusing but it gets you interested in the story pretty quickly.
I'm assumin' that everybody who's readin' this has also viewed the movie, but if I'm wrong, then just know that I'm probably gonna be droppin' some spoilers at some point. I really enjoyed watching Memento, although I didn't see it in class; I saw it a few months ago but it's still pretty solid in my memory. I found that having it played in reverse was a very effective way of putting us in the main character's shoes -- if it were playing as a conventional film would, with the main character still losing his memory every other minute, it wouldn't be anywhere near as enjoyable. Anyway, when I was watching the film I initially assumed Teddy was the bad guy, as Leonard always seemed to have a sort of gut feeling that he wasn't 'clean'. More than halfway through the movie, though, with the references to Sammy Jankis, and the fact that Sammy did not exist, I started to piece together the fact that Leonard might actually be a little insane.
TL;DR: Yeah, that movie rocked.
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