Monday, March 16, 2009

Apocalypse Now

So this movie takes place during the Vietnam War. The movie starts with us looking at a jungle with a bunch of trees. We see a chopper fly across it and seconds later the trees burst in to flames from an explosion. We then shift to our main character Captain Willard and he is in his room drunk and in kind in a trance. He starts going around the room and starts to do weird karate moves and stuff. While in his trance he ends up punching a mirror and ends up cutting his hand. Anyways Captain Willard is called in by a general and is given orders to find and kill a man named Colonel Kurtz. After looking over the files that he is given Willard learns that Colonel Kurtz was a very decorated officer and had received many awards. He was also about to be promoted. Captain Willard is told by the General that Kurtz has gone crazy and they have lost contact with him. Kurtz is believed to be in the jungle somewhere. Captain Willard takes a patrol boat with an rather interesting crew in search of Kurtz. While on the boat Willard take more time to study Kurtz's file and learns that Kurtz has become the leader of a bunch of followers some of whom are his fellow soldiers.

So the ending is kind of an interesting scene. Willard slowly appears out of the water and he is wearing camouflage paint and it is lightning and thundering. At this time the tribe is preparing a water buffalo to be sacrificed. We see Kurtz standing in the doorway of the temple and then go inside. Willard ambushes one of the guards that is outside the temple and then goes inside. Kurtz is recording some stuff and is then ambushed by Willard who had a knife with him. When Willard attacks Kurtz with the knife at the same time the tribe outside starts chopping at the water buffalo sacrificing it(I sense some irony here). We then switch between these to events for a little while. It all ends with Kurtz who is on the floor bloody and dieing.

Apocalypse now I found to be a great movie. Coppola does a very good job of taking all aspects of it and rolling it into one very interesting and cool film. There was at no one time during this film that I was ever really bored the action of it kept me on the edge throughout.


will said...

great job dawg, i realy liked that clip. But what do you think what kurtz said "The horror...the horror"? Oh and didn't they get the guy who played willard sh*t faced before they began shooting the scene. I also liked the transition between willard attacking kurtz and the natives chopping up the buffalo
...and for u guys who took to long to comment i declare shenanigans on you :)

peter r said...

Hm... I think Kurtz was kind of talking about the war and everything that had happened. The horror of it all you could say I guess though it could be interpreted in many ways that is just one example that I thought stood out. The other thing that came to mind when he said that was the horror of what he himself had done too.

will said...

well put that could be what he meant and is the most likely case . I thought it was interesting when he said something about kurtz taking orders from the jungle which i thought was an attempt to dehumanize him by saying he had reverted to a primitive state and making the job much more easy for willard to kill him which he seemed to be having a hard time with deciding whether or not he could do it but by setting a frame of mind that kurtz had devolved to something like an animal it became a much more simpilier task for him

peter r said...

Yea your right. I'm guessing Kurtz had probably thought of trying to make easier and was probably hopeing that Willard would figure it out which we can see he did. I think that Kurtz was a very smart person but I think the war had probably messed him up. You hear about the things that war can do to people and the Vietnam War was a very prime example of it. Not saying that Kurtz was completly insane all the way but I don't think that he was all there either.

Jared said...

Yeah William in the opening scene when they were filming Willard drunk, he was really drunk. I found that kind of funny that they went with all out realism rather than acting drunk.

Jared said...

As the remaining member of the group is not responding, I must now double post. In general I like your post, it's pretty discriptive and has lots of good visuals, or something. Something you need though is sort of a thesis statement, I'm not sure reading through it where you are trying to go with it.